
The philosophy and the legal aspects of the 1000Club are based on respect of the Customer.

Cookie Use

Version of February 1st, 2024

Our cookie use is crystal clear

Since we treat your privacy like ours, we do not use cookies to monitor and record your browsing on the Internet.

Let us be clear, we are not interested in your philosophical, political or religious opinions, or your sexual practices that do not concern us.

The only thing that fascinates us is how, thanks to the 1000Club's solutions and services, we will offer the right people and companies in order to:

  • Develop your professional activity more effectively and calmly;
  • Manage your career better;
  • Get the best discount on products and services offered by our members.

The only cookies we use are for the purpose of:

  • Avoiding re-entering your login credentials with session cookies;
  • Knowing from which 1000Club site you have completed the registration form (as a new member).

On the other hand, we can not guarantee that external services (which, for example, we allow you to use to publish and view videos) do not deposit cookies on your devices. In this case, we guarantee that we will not retrieve any data recorded about you by these third-party spy cookies that do not share with us the data they trade.

We may improve the Cookie Use time to time (according to the Article 17 of the Terms of Use).

We aim to constantly improve our services and we are working hard to develop new features that make the 1000Club site better for you and our community. As a result, to accurately reflect our services and practises, we may need, time to time, to update our Cookie Use.

1000Club reserves the right to change at any time and, unless otherwise required by law, without notice the Cookie Use.

Any changes will be immediately reflected on the page of the text concerned by the modification. The update date will be mentioned. You are therefore invited to regularly check their latest updated version.

We will do our best, however, to notify you of these changes before they go inti effect. We recommend that you subscribe to the site: Thus, you will be informed on your Newsfeed of changes to the conditions of use. Think of it as an act of pure courtesy.

Once any updated Cookie Use is in effect, you will be bound by it if you continue to use the 1000Club site.

We hope that you will continue using the 1000Club site, but if you do not agree to our updated Cookie Use and no longer want to be a part of the 1000Club community, you can delete your account at any time.

Only the latest English version entitled "Cookie Use" [published on] has probative value. PDF versions do not bind us legally. Please always check the latest version on